From 1919-1933 Alcohol was prohibited in the United States. By 1925 illegal booze smuggling and speakeasies were common place. Today almost no one agrees that prohibition of alcohol was a well thought out plan or an appropriate use of the law. It made business owners and brewers criminals overnight. In the same regard, after the lift of alcohol prohibition, speak easy owners became tax-paying night club owners. Brewers expanded their operations, jobs were created and new tax revenues enjoyed by the country. I can only imagine how much Aneheuser Busch pays in taxes to the US government every year. Milwaukee as a whole survives on revenue from a business that was illegal in this country 80 years ago. Law Enforcement Against Prohibition(LEAP) feels that we are looking at a similar situation today as we faced back then. Alcohol prohibition saw a rise in organized crime, gangsters like Al Capone. Today we have similar violence surrounding the illegal drug market. LEAP members suggest that the dangerous drug cartels would also loose their thunder just as Al Caopne did if drugs were regulated, controlled and treated like alcohol. Please take the time to watch this insightful video made by members of the Law Enforcement Against Prohibition.